About Me

I have been coaching & learning from the best coaches in the world (in both Fitness and Nutrition) literally my ENTIRE life.  I went on to start a private business and became a Men''s Health Top Trainer, starring in fitness DVD's and working with Celebrities and brands like NIKE & Reebok, and earned a Nutrition Master coaching certification from the world renowned Precision Nutrition.    

I also played three college sports (Soccer, Baseball and Football) as well as playing soccer overseas in Brazil.  I moved to LA to work with the world renowned EXOS  (Athlete's Performance at the time), as a Performance Specialist for the number one pro and elite athlete sports performance company in the country.   It was there where I learned the methodology that changed my life and set my career on an upward trajectory.  I also learned from working up close and personal with guys like David Beckham, Andrew Luck and TJ Housmanzadeh, that the personality, mindset and 'coachability' are what separated those that continued to grow and reach elite levels, from those with potential that fizzled out.


Without a REAL understanding of nutrition and the body however, I didn't feel I had a good enough grasp on the ENTIRE human system in order to consistently achieve desired results for people other than athletes.  That's what drove me to become a Master Nutrition Coach where I studied everything from how nutrition, exercise, hydration and stress affect physical performance, including immune system and hormone function, to behavioral psychology and the mechanism of change.




My Mission

My mission is to teach coaches and trainers to evolve their understanding of fitness/performance/health and apply it to their own training using these methods in order to get the type of results for their clients/athletes that make them indispensable.

My belief has always been that a great coach/trainer must also be an exceptional teacher.  I've always found that I learned the most from teachers who helped me truly UNDERSTAND the material vs. those that tried to give me keys to memorize or rules to follow.

My belief is that there is a DEEPER level of fundamental principles that unleashes the potential for physique development & athletic performance, as well as general health, longevity, resistance to/recovery from injury and sickness.   It's grasping these principles and learning how/when to implement them that separate those who can consistently get life-changing results with virtually ANYONE, and those who have limited impact.